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Women’s Issues

Women are often called “the fairer sex.” And yet, when asked about our life experiences, many of us know our lives haven’t always seemed fair.

At some point in their lives, most women will experience some form of  sexual harrassment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, workplace harrassment, body image issues, or problems related to sexual and reproductive rights.

Why Seek Therapy for Women’s Issues?

These stressors can take a serious toll on a woman’s emotional, physical, and mental health. The effects can be mild to extreme, and in many cases, women are not able to cope with their issues on their own.  We need the support of other women to help overcome these challenges.

Therapy can offer coping tools and new perspectives on women's issues. I strive to make seeking therapy  an empowering first step on the road back to YOU. And while each step you take may, at times, feel challenging, uncertain, and scary, I will be there, listening and encouraging you to cross that finish line.

If you or someone you know would like to explore treatment options, please get in touch with me. I would be honored to walk with you on your journey.